Improvements update

Below you can see that latest improvements and updates :

/v2/companysettings now has three new properties called CompanyIdentifier , UsesRotReducedInvoicing and CompanyRotRutSettings .

/v2/supplierinvoicedrafts now has four new properties called CreatedUtc , ModifiedUtc . VatAmount and SkipSendToBank .

/v2/supplierinvoices has been added the property SkipSendToBank .

/v2/articles has been added the property CreatedUtc .

Bugs which have been addressed to and fixed:

  • /v2/customerledgeritems/customerledgeritemswithvoucher now allows a 0.05 maximum difference between Vat Amount in the header and the one calculated in eAccounting.
  • Better error messages for uncaught exceptions
  • Other minor bugfixes