
We are glad to inform you all that we are on track with development when it comes to the new feature discount in fixed amount.
Hope you all have read in our previous post about this feature otherwise we recommend you all do and prepare for being able to put these new properties into use!

What is next?

So on October the 14:th we will remove the read only to be able to create, read, update and write (all CRUD functionality) in both the API endpoints and the eAccounting Web UI with the new properties IsDiscountInFixedAmount (boolean, optional) and DiscountFixedAmount (number, optional, 2 decimals).

Questions? Don't hesitate to contact support!


Fixed issues with pricelist

We have fixed a bug for sales invoice drafts, so that when the price on the row is zero and ReplaceUnitPriceWhenZero is true, the price is taken from the sales pricelist the customer uses (if the company uses pricelists).

We have added the ReplaceUnitPriceWhenZero property for sales invoices as well.

Endpoints affected

GET /v2/customerinvoices
POST /v2/customerinvoices
GET /v2/customerinvoices/{invoiceId}


New endpoints for SalesDocumentAttachmentsV2

Endpoints affected

GET /v2/salesdocumentattachments
GET /v2/salesdocumentattachments/{attachmentId}
POST /v2/salesdocumentattachments/order
POST /v2/salesdocumentattachments/quote
DELETE /v2/salesdocumentattachments/order/{orderId}/{attachmentId}
DELETE /v2/salesdocumentattachments/quote/{quoteId}/{attachmentId}


We have added new endpoints for OrdersV2.

Endpoints affected

POST /v2/orders/{id}/converteddrafttoorder
POST /v2/orders/{id}/completed
POST /v2/orders/{id}/voided
POST /v2/orders/{id}/email


New properties regarding E-invoices

We have added adresses for E-invoices as properties in /v2/CompanySettings

Endpoints affected


New properties added

CompanyScanningAddress and CompanyEmailForUpload (read-only)