Moving forward this will be the new format of delivering news, we'll make our best to publish news once every month. A lot of new stuff since last time 😄 Enjoy!

🆕 Added

  • New endpoint: POST /v2/customerinvoices/{invoiceId}/einvoice. This endpoint lets you send a existing customer invoice electronically using e-invoice.
  • New endpoint: GET /v2/foreignpaymentcodes/{foreignPaymentCodeId}. This endpoint lets you fetch a foreign payment code by id.
  • New properties for CustomerInvoiceApi. Affected endpoints: GET /v2/customerinvoices, GET /v2/customerinvoices/{invoiceId} and POST /v2/customerinvoices.
    • PaymentRemindersCount - Read only. Number of payment reminders sent for the overdue invoice.
    • LastPaymentReminderSentDate - Read only. Last payment reminder date for the overdue invoice. Null if no payment reminder has been sent.
    • TaxDeductionStatus- Read only. Represents the status of an invoice with applicable tax deduction in relation to export to tax authority. Possible values:
      • 0 - None. The invoice has not yet fully been paid by the customer.
      • 1 - ApplicableForDeductionExport. The invoice has been fully paid and can be exported to tax authority.
      • 2 - ExportedToTaxAuthority. The invoice has been exported to tax authority.
      • 3 - RejectedByTaxAuthority. The invoice has been rejected by tax authority.
    • IsQuickInvoice - Read only. Indicates if the invoice was created from journal entries posted manually or imported from another program.
    • IsCollectiveInvoice- Read only. Indicates if the invoice was created from more than one order.
    • CollectiveCustomerInvoiceRowsRelationToOrders- Read only. When IsCollectiveInvoice is true, this property is a populated list of the relation between the collective invoice rows and the orders that the invoice is generated from.
  • New properties for CustomerApi. Affected endpoints: GET /v2/customers, GET /v2/customers/{customerId}, POST /v2/customers and PUT /v2/customers/{customerId}.
    • PropertyType- Represents type of property, Possible values:
      • 1 - Apartment
      • 2 - Property
    • PropertyReference- Reference of the property.
    • TaxDeductionNumber- Tax Deduction Number related to the customer/property.
  • New property for ArticleApi. Affected endpoints: GET /v2/articles, GET /v2/articles/{articleId}, POST /v2/articles and PUT /v2/articles/{articleId}.
    • SupplierId- Id of the main supplier for the article. Clear by setting to empty GUID. Only available when stock module is activated.
    • OrderingPoint- Sets the ordering point of the article. Used when stock module is activated and article sales category type is Goods.
  • New property for SupplierInvoiceDraftApi. Affected endpoints: GET /v2/supplierinvoicedrafts and GET /v2/supplierinvoicedrafts/supplierInvoiceDraftId.
    • IsAutoInvoiceInterimSupplier - Read only. If e-invoice and doesn't have a supplier already registered then this value is true.
  • New property for SupplierApi. Affected endpoints: GET /v2/suppliers and GET /v2/suppliers/supplierId.
    • LastInvoiceDate - Read only. If there's been an invoice sent from this supplier the last invoice date will be represented here.
  • New property for CompanySettingsApi. Affected endpoints: GET /v2/companysettings and PUT /v2/companysettings.
    • VismaWebshopStatus - Read only. Status of synchronization with Visma Webshop. Possible values:
      • 0 - No synchronization
      • 1 - Synchronization is enabled
      • 2 - Synchronization not wanted (disabled)
      • 3 - Synchronization requested
    • UsesVatTriangulationRules- When set to true, EU triangular transactions involve three parties and direct goods shipping, with the end VAT-registered customer liable for VAT.
  • New property for OrderApi. Affected endpoints: GET /v2/orders, GET /v2/orders/{id}, POST /v2/orders/ and PUT /v2/orders/{id}.
    • CreatedFromQuoteId- Read only. If order was created from a quote, the quote id will be represented here.
    • TermsOfPaymentId- If this is set, the specific term of payment id will be used for this specific order instead of using the default term from the customer.
  • New properties for WebshopOrderApi. Affected endpoints: GET /v2/webshoporders and GET /v2/webshoporders/{webshopOrderId}. Added several properties related to customer information, notes and message threads.

❗ Changed

🐛 Fixed

We're making a minor change to newly created Identity Server clients. In order to decrease complexity we are changing the way refresh tokens behaves. As of today refresh tokens are always renewed when requesting new tokens (requests towards with grant_type=refresh_token). Going forward new clients will not have a rotating refresh token, instead it will be reusable.

If you are an existing integration partner and want to opt-in on this you can always contact our API support:

Swedish partners: [email protected]

Norwegian partners: [email protected]

Dutch partners: [email protected]

If you want to read more on this we recommend this article written by the team from Duende Software.


We are glad to inform you all that we are on track with development when it comes to the new feature discount in fixed amount.
Hope you all have read in our previous post about this feature otherwise we recommend you all do and prepare for being able to put these new properties into use!

What is next?

So on October the 14:th we will remove the read only to be able to create, read, update and write (all CRUD functionality) in both the API endpoints and the eAccounting Web UI with the new properties IsDiscountInFixedAmount (boolean, optional) and DiscountFixedAmount (number, optional, 2 decimals).

Questions? Don't hesitate to contact support!


Fixed issues with pricelist

We have fixed a bug for sales invoice drafts, so that when the price on the row is zero and ReplaceUnitPriceWhenZero is true, the price is taken from the sales pricelist the customer uses (if the company uses pricelists).

We have added the ReplaceUnitPriceWhenZero property for sales invoices as well.

Endpoints affected

GET /v2/customerinvoices
POST /v2/customerinvoices
GET /v2/customerinvoices/{invoiceId}


New endpoints for SalesDocumentAttachmentsV2

Endpoints affected

GET /v2/salesdocumentattachments
GET /v2/salesdocumentattachments/{attachmentId}
POST /v2/salesdocumentattachments/order
POST /v2/salesdocumentattachments/quote
DELETE /v2/salesdocumentattachments/order/{orderId}/{attachmentId}
DELETE /v2/salesdocumentattachments/quote/{quoteId}/{attachmentId}


We have added new endpoints for OrdersV2.

Endpoints affected

POST /v2/orders/{id}/converteddrafttoorder
POST /v2/orders/{id}/completed
POST /v2/orders/{id}/voided
POST /v2/orders/{id}/email


New properties regarding E-invoices

We have added adresses for E-invoices as properties in /v2/CompanySettings

Endpoints affected


New properties added

CompanyScanningAddress and CompanyEmailForUpload (read-only)