Visma eAccounting API - New endpoints for SalesPriceList and DiscountAgreement


New endpoints for SalesPriceList and DiscountAgreement

We now, in eAccounting, support creating several price lists, therefore you can have specific sales prices for an article to specific customers. Also, we support creating multiple discount agreements that could be linked to a customer. These endpoints are available only for PRO variants.

Existing salespricelists and discountagreements can now be fetched in the API.


  • Affected endpoints:

GET /v2/salespricelists
GET /v2/salespricelists/{salesPriceListId}
GET /v2/salespricelists/prices
GET /v2/salespricelists/prices/{salesPriceListId}/{articleId}
GET /v2/discountagreements
GET /v2/discountagreements/{discountAgreementId}