Visma eAccounting API - New Properties


We have added many new properties that we see add value for you developers

We added new properties wich affects PeppolID, CustomerNumber in orders and qoutes, settings for email for qoutes & orders and so on.

Expose CustomerNumber in quotedrafts, quotes and orders

New endpoints have been added to the quotedrafts, quotes and orders to expose the customerNumber in the same way as customerInvoices.

Affected endpoints:

GET v2/quotedrafts
GET v2/quotes
GET v2/orders

New property "PeppolId" added

PeppolID is now exposed in the API. The property is readonly.

Effected endpoint:

GET v2/companysettings

New properties "MessageThreads" and "Notes"

The following properties "MessageThreads" and "Notes" has been ** added to the customerinvoicedrafts endpoints. The new properties can be used to get a message thread or note by id.
Effected endpoints:

GET v2/customerinvoicedrafts
GET v2/customerinvoicedrafts/{id}

New properties EmailAddressQuote and EmailAddressOrder

These new properties will allow the user to add different recipients for quotes and orders.

Affected endpoints:

GET v2/customers
GET v2/customers/{id}
POST v2/customers
PUT v2/customers/{id}

The logic of the new endpoints below is that if the email property in the request body is empty, then the document should be sent to the default email, which comes from the email Order/Quote field. If this field is empty then the default email is the email from the email invoice field. If the email invoice field is empty you get an exception that the email was not sent.

Affected endpoints:

POST v2/quotes/{id}/email
POST v2/orders/{id}/email