Visma Lön Smart API news

Greetings, developers! 🧑‍💻
We've got some new and shiny updates for you. Let's dive right into the details:

🆕 Added

New property for CreateEmployeeContractRequest. Affected endpoint: POST /v2/employees

  • TimeReserveType - Timebank reserve type
    • 1 = WorkingTimeReserve
    • 2 = WorkingTimeAcount

New properties for CreateEmployeeResponse and EmployeeResponse. Affected endpoints: POST /v2/employees, GET /v2/employees, GET /v2/employees/{employeeId}

  • TimeResereveType - Timebank reserve type
    • 1 = WorkingTimeReserve
    • 2 = WorkingTimeAcount
  • TimeResereveInMinutes - Amount of minutes accumulated in timebank reserve

New property for CreateTimebankRequest and TimebankUpdateRequest. Affected endpoints: POST /v2/shortcuts/timebank, PUT /v2/shortcuts/timebank/{id}

  • PayOutSource - Type of hours balance, which will be decreased by the shortcut
  • 1 = CompensationTime
  • 2 = WorkingTimeReserve
  • null will be interpreted as CompensationTime

New property for TimebankResponse. Affected endpoints: POST /v2/shortcuts/timebank , GET /v2/shortcuts/timebank/{timebankId} , GET /v2/shortcuts/timebank/{startDate}/{endDate} , PUT /v2/shortcuts/timebank/{id}

  • PayOutSource - Type of hours balance, which will be decreased by the shortcut
    • 1 = CompensationTime
    • 2 = WorkingTimeReserve

💀 Deprecated

Deprecated properties for CreateTimebankRequest and TimebankUpdateRequest. Affected endpoints: POST /v2/shortcuts/timebank , PUT /v2/shortcuts/timebank/{id}

  • ScheduleStartTime - Deprecated (value will be ignored)
  • ScheduleEndTime - Deprecated (value will be ignored)
  • ScheduledDayBreakTime - Deprecated (value will be ignored)

Deprecated properties for TimebankResponse Affected endpoints: POST /v2/shortcuts/timebank , GET /v2/shortcuts/timebank/{timebankId} , GET /v2/shortcuts/timebank/{startDate}/{endDate} , PUT /v2/shortcuts/timebank/{id}\

  • ScheduleStartTime - Deprecated (value will always be null)
  • ScheduleEndTime - Deprecated (value will always be null)
  • ScheduledDayBreakTime - Deprecated (value will always be 0)

Happy coding! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask. Support 📧