
New validation error on POST /v2/customerinvoices - RotReducedInvoicingPropertyName

In order to fix a bug and align to the behaviour inside eAccounting the API will now return a 2000 - DataModelValidationError when using POST /v2/customerinvoices with a set RotPropertyType but empty RotReducedInvoicingPropertyName.

If an existing order has a delivered quantity that is smaller than the ordered quantity, this endpoint will take the order id and automatically create a backorder for the remaining amount. The order must be in status shipped or invoiced and may not have an existing backorder already.


  • added: POST /v2/orders/{id}/backorder
  • added: GET /v2/orders/{id}/print
  • added: GET /v2/orders/{id}/deliverynote/print
  • added: GET /v2/quotes/{id}/print

Address properties on v2/customerinvoices are not read-only anymore.


  • properties InvoiceAddress1, InvoiceAddress2, InvoicePostalCode, InvoiceCity, InvoiceCountryCode, DeliveryCustomerName, DeliveryAddress1, DeliveryAddress2, DeliveryPostalCode, DeliveryCity and DeliveryCountryCode can now be set using POST v2/customerinvoices endpoint.

Article updates

by Henric Ström

eAccounting has been extended with some article updates and additions. They are all related to stock and stock handling. There's a few updates to the API related to this aswell:


  • added property IsStock on v2/articles
  • added property StockLocationReference on v2/articles
  • added property FreightCosts on v2/articles
  • added property FreightCostsManuallyChangedUtc on v2/articles
  • added property UpdateStockPrices on v2/articles
  • added property Barcodes on v2/articles
  • added property StockValue on v2/articles
  • added Stock module as a part of the ActivatedModules property on v2/companysettings

Read more about these at the API Reference

Patch verb postponed

by Sorin Turoiu

The patch verb was released a few months back in our Sandbox environment together with some experimental endpoints. After further investigation and self assessment we decided to postpone the PATCH verb implementation in the production environment in order to implement a solution that alligns more with the industry standards and with the quality and structure that the Visma eAccounting API has.

We are very grateful for all your feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us with more. Reach out to us either by sending an email to [email protected] or post in our forum thread.

In eAccounting, the Gross price and Net price of an article are dependent on the selected vat rate. For example if you have selected a 25% vat rate and Net price is 100, Gross price must be 125. The same logic is valid if you enter 125 Gross price, Net price must be 100. In order to preserve data consistency we have added a validation which validates the Net and Gross price based on the selected vat rate.


  • improved : POST v2/articles.
  • improved : PUT v2/articles/{Id}.
  • improved : POST v1/articles.
  • improved : PUT v1/articles/{Id}.


Error code number changed when cost centers not allowed

In order to be more accurate with the error code types thrown, the 4000 - Conflict was changed to a 2000 - DataModelValidationError in the cases when a cost center is used in combination with an account that does not allow cost centers. VouchersV2 and PaymentVoucherV2 endpoints are affected by this change.


We would like to kindly remind you that the last day when we are going to support requests with TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 will be 31st December.

If there are any changes required on your side please consider acting on them until the deadline.

Thank you.

Improvements update

by David Alexandru

Below you can see that latest improvements and updates :

/v2/companysettings now has three new properties called CompanyIdentifier , UsesRotReducedInvoicing and CompanyRotRutSettings .

/v2/supplierinvoicedrafts now has four new properties called CreatedUtc , ModifiedUtc . VatAmount and SkipSendToBank .

/v2/supplierinvoices has been added the property SkipSendToBank .

/v2/articles has been added the property CreatedUtc .

Bugs which have been addressed to and fixed:

  • /v2/customerledgeritems/customerledgeritemswithvoucher now allows a 0.05 maximum difference between Vat Amount in the header and the one calculated in eAccounting.
  • Better error messages for uncaught exceptions
  • Other minor bugfixes