Possibility to update Rot and Rut settings. Note that this is only available for Swedish companies which use rot reduced invoicing


  • added: PUT /v2/companysettings/rotrut

Added possibility to create vouchers for recording payments on customer or supplier invoices.


  • added: POST /v2/paymentvoucher

Possibility to create vouchers with over/under payments towards customers or suppliers.


  • added: GET /v2/voucherwithoverunderpayment/{voucherId}
  • added: POST /v2/voucherwithoverunderpayment

Patch verb

by David Alexandru

We have released the PATCH verb for our Sandbox environment together with some endpoints which use it. This enables the user to update an entity without providing the whole object in the body.

For further information on how to use the PATCH verb please check out our FAQ at https://developer.vismaonline.com/docs/patch-verb


  • added: PATCH v2/articles/{articleId}
  • added: PATCH v2/companysettings
  • added: PATCH v2/customerinvoicedrafts/{customerInvoiceDraftId}
  • added: PATCH v2/customers/{customerId}
  • added: PATCH v2/supplierinvoicedrafts/{supplierinvoicedraftId}
  • added: PATCH v2/suppliers/{supplierId}

Please keep in mind that the endpoints above are currently experimental and subject to change. You can share your thoughts on our API community forum https://community.visma.com/t5/Visma-eAccounting-API/ct-p/IN_MA_eAccountingAPI and provide feedback.


by Henric Ström

We have now released webhooks for our Sandbox environment. The functionality is still in beta, but make sure to check it out!

Read more about webhooks here

Possibility for fetching either matched or unmatched bank transactions.


  • added GET /v2/banktransactions/{bankAccountId}/unmatched
  • added GET /v2/banktransactions/{bankAccountId}/matched
  • added GET v2/banktransactions/{bankAccountId}/{bankTransactionId}

BuyersOrderReference was added for customer invoices and customer invoice drafts that can be used when sending electronic invoices.


  • improved: GET and POST v2/customerinvoices
  • improved: GET v2/customerinvoices/{invoiceId}
  • improved: GET and POST v2/customerinvoicedrafts
  • improved: GET and PUT v2/customerinvoicedrafts/{customerInvoiceDraftId}

Improvements May

by Sorin Turoiu

Below you can see the updates from May.

New CompanyStatus property on /v2/companysettings that indicates if the company is Inactive, Active or ReadOnly.

/v2/accountbalances now has two new properties called AccountType and AccountTypeDescription. This is to make it easier to generate reports based on the different account types.

We have also made several bug fixes:

  • /v2/customerinvoicedrafts lacked mapping of a few properties
  • A few previously uncaught exceptions are now translated correctly to user-friendly errors
  • Other minor bugfixes


  • improved: GET v2/companysettings.
  • improved: GET /v2/accountbalances
  • improved: POST/PUT /v2/customerinvoicedrafts

The WebshopOrderApi response object values were changed in order to align with the webshop order values in eAccounting web. The TotalAmountBaseCurrency and TotalAmountOrderCurrency will always be including vat.
The properties PricePerUnitInvoiceCurrency and Sum inside the WebshopOrderRowApi sub-object will be including vat and for webshop orders that have customers of type Company. For the webshop orders with customers of type Private individual the properties will be excluding vat if the ShowPricesExclVatPC in company settings is true and including vat otherwise.

The CompanySettingsApi model will now return null on the optional TaxDeclarationDate property when the AccountingLockInterval property in not of type TaxDeclaration.
This impacts the response object for GET /v2/companysettings, PUT /v2/companysettings and PUT /v2/companysettings/accountinglocksettings.


  • improved: GET v2/companysettings
  • improved: PUT v2/companysettings
  • improved: PUT v2/companysettings/accountinglocksettings