Visma eAccounting Error Codes

eAccounting API error codes

You will probably face errors in the API while developing. Every error has its own error code with specific information attached to it. This is to help you find out what went wrong!

Error NameError CodeError Information
DataModelValidationError2000This error is thrown when any data model validations are broken in the request. See the rules for each POST method on each property.
ResourceNotFound3000This error is thrown when you refer to a specific object that does not exist, eg. customers, suppliers or articles in a request.
FiscalYearDoesNotExist3001This error is thrown when you refer to a specific fiscalyear that does not exist.
AccountNotFound3002This error is thrown when you refer to a specific account that does not exist.
InsufficientApprovalPermission3003This error is thrown when you have insufficient permissions to bookeep an invoice when using supplier invoice approval flow.
Conflict4000This error is thrown when you try to create a object that cannot exist as a duplicate.
CanNotBeDeleted4001This error is thrown when you try to delete a object that cannot be deleted. For example, when a object has dependencies, it cannot be deleted.
CanNotBeCreatedOrUpdated4002This error is thrown when you try to create or update a object that contains one or more invalid properties that prevents it from being created or updated.
NoAccessToModule4002This error is thrown when the user lack one or more modules. Some endpoints require additional modules in eAccounting purchased from the InApp store.
StartupGuideNotCompleted4003This error is thrown when you try to make requests towards a company that hasn't completed the startup guide in Visma eAccounting.
CompanyNotActive4004This error is thrown when you try to make requests towards an inactive company.
NotAuthorized4005This error is thrown when you try to make unauthorized requests towards the API.
NoAccessToScopes4006This error is thrown when you try to make requests towards an endpoint which require scopes that you are not authorized with.
PermissionDenied4007This error is thrown when you try to make requests with an authorized user that does not have sufficient permissions for that specific endpoint.
InvalidControlDigit4008This error is thrown when you try to make a request towards an endpoint with ControlDigit validation and the value is invalid.
NoAccessDueToProductVariant4009This error is thrown when you try to make requests towards and endpoint that is not included in the authorized company's product variant.
TooManyRequests4010This error is thrown when you try to more requests than allowed. Read more about this here.
NoAccessForAuthenticatedUser4011This error is thrown when the authenticated user does not have access to eAccounting for this company. Give the user access to eAccounting or reauthenticate with a user that have access to eAccounting to solve the issue.
LicenceAgreementNotAccepted4012This error is thrown when the authenticated user does not have accepted the licence agreement for eAccounting for this company. The licence agreement can be accepted by logging in to eAccounting with the same user and company.
CannotBookkeepInvoice4013This error is thrown when the process of bookkeeping the invoice is interrupted by validations like locked fiscal year or accounting period.
AutoInvoiceMissingYourReference4014This error is thrown when Norwegian companies lack YourReference when sending customer invoices with AutoInvoice.
AutoInvoiceMissingOurReference4015This error is thrown when sending customer invoices with AutoInvoice and the customer requires a reference code, which is missing.
SupplierInvoiceInvalidDueDate4016This error is thrown when a invalid invoice date is applied to a supplier invoice.
AutoInvoiceMissingElectronicAddress4017This error is thrown when sending customer invoices with AutoInvoice and electronic address is missing on the customer.
SupplierInvoiceValidationSkipSendToBank4018This error is thrown when you try to create a supplier invoices with a future date without having the "pay manually" setting active.
NoPermissionForReadonlyUser4019This error is thrown when you are authenticated with a readonly user and trying to create/edit/delete an entity.
FiscalYearIsOverlappingOtherYear4020This error is thrown when you are trying to create a fiscal year which overlaps another one.
FiscalYearMaximumPeriodExceeded4021This error is thrown when you are trying to create a fiscal year with a number of months which exceeds the maximum allowed for the specific country.
FiscalYearEndDateMustBeLastDayOfMonth4022This error is thrown when you are trying to create a fiscal year which doesn't end in the last day of a month.
FutureDateCannotBeSet4023This error is thrown when you try to pay an invoice in a future date.
SalesAccountNumberMissing4024This error is thrown when the sales category selected on an article is missing a ledger account for the specified sales transaction.
InvalidVatNumber4025This error is thrown when you have provided an invalid VAT number.
VoucherDateIsInLockedPeriod4026This error is thrown when you try to post a voucher in a locked bookkeping period.
ReversedVatZero4027This error is thrown when you try to apply reversed VAT to a non-eligible article row.
OrderCannotBeVoided4028This error is thrown when trying to undo an order that has backorders connected to it.
SsnNumberIsInvalid4029This error is thrown when a invalid social security number is provided for ROT/RUT input.
OcrNumberIsInvalid4030This error is thrown when you provide a invalid OCR number.
CustomerInvoiceMissingOrderArticles4031This error is thrown when a customer invoice is created based on a order and order rows are missing.
SupplierInvoiceDoesntBalance4032This error is thrown when a supplier invoice rows doesn't balance.
ForbiddenActionInApprovalFlow4033This error is thrown when the attempted action breaks the rules of approval flow.
ExternalServiceValidation4100This error is thrown when a validation from an external service is thrown.
InternalServerError5000This error is thrown when you encounter a error that we have not handled on our side. This can occur if there is a bug in eAccounting. These errors should be reported to us at [email protected].
CantReachSystemDependendency5001This error is thrown when you make a request towards and endpoint with external service dependencies, and that dependency is not answering in time. This can occur if a service is down.
OperationCanceled5002This error is thrown when you encounter a error that we have not handled on our side. These errors should be reported to us at [email protected].
StockToNonStockNoZeroBalance5003This error is thrown when an article cannot be changed to non stock article because it has non zero stock balance.
StockToServiceNoZeroBalance5004This error is thrown when a stock article cannot be changed to service type article because it has non zero stock balance.
ProjectEnded5005This error is thrown when you try to refer to a project that has already ended and is therefor no longer available for usage.
InactiveCostCenter5006This error is thrown when you try to refer to a cost center that is inactive and is therefor no longer available for usage.
ItemToAttachNotFound5007This error is thrown when you try to attach documents that does not exist.
QueryParameterError6000This error is thrown when you make a request with $filter parameters and the query is invalid.
InvalidInput6001This error is thrown when you make a request with DateTime properties or filtering and the provided format is wrong.